Wednesday 1 April 2015

10 Photographs: 10 Stories from different Places and Eras

The Revolution Ignited by a Single Match

On June 11, 1963 Thich Quang Duc, a 66 year old Buddhist monk sat down calmly in a busy intersection in Saigon and lit himself on fire. He did not make a sound nor moved a muscle. His act of self-immolation was to protest against the US-backed South Vietnamese Ngo Dinh Diem’s Catholic Government’s repression of Buddhists. The impact was immense and immediate; it brought masses together, expressing their rage, grief and resulted within a few months in America overthrowing its puppet.

What is Home? 

By Moises Saman
PERU. La Rinconada. February 24, 2015. A woman and her two children stand at the top of a narrow passage covered with trash bags connecting the town of La Rinconada with the gold mines in the nearby mountain. La Rinconada is the highest continuously populated town in the world, located in the Peruvian Andes, at 5100 meters above sea level.

Internal Resonance 

By Henri Cartier-Bresson
INDIA. Kashmir. Srinagar. 1948. Muslim women on the slopes of Hari Parbal Hill, praying toward the sun rising behind the Himalayas.

The Last Tunnel

By Henri Cartier-Bresson
FRANCE. Brie. 1968

Can there be hope in perpetual curse?

By Henri Cartier-Bresson
INDIA. Tamil Nadu. Madurai. 1950


By Henri Cartier-Bresson

USA. Fire in Hoboken, facing Manhattan. 1947.

Puzzling Canopy

By Stuart Franklin/Magnum Photos

MALAYSIA, Kepong Forest Reserve, crown shyness in the kapur tree (Dryobalanops aromatica), one of the dipterocarps that, as they mature in the forest, develop mutual avoidance, 1997.

The Devil's Bridge

Devil’s Bridge is a term applied to dozens of ancient bridges, found primarily in Europe. Most of these bridges are stone or masonry arch bridges and represent a significant technological achievement.

Everyone has to choose a side. 

 A pigeon with a small camera attached. The trained birds were used experimentally by German citizen Julius Neubronner, before and during the war years, capturing aerial images when a timer mechanism clicked the shutter.

The world belongs to her.. Marilyn Monroe

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